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Rick Stuart, CAE, FIAAO
3533 SW Randolph Ave.
Topeka, KS 66611

Rick's experience started in 1981 as an elected assessor in Missouri and an appointed appraiser in Kansas. As a senior IAAO instructor, Rick now teaches and develops courses and workshops on appraisal, public relations/customer service and management. (See Rick's course offerings.) Through his instruction, experience and formal education (B.S. in Accounting), he has assisted numerous individuals and jurisdictions with how to develop and improve staff, establish office procedures, and related issues on modeling and market valuations.
Rick holds the CAE (Certified Assessment Evaluator) designation from the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) and has been the recipient of several IAAO awards:
2015 IAAO Harry Gakin Award
2014 Texas-James A. Goodwin Excellence in Education Award
2013 Verne W. Pottorff, CAE Professional Designee of the Year
2010 McCarren Award
2008 IAAO Instructor of the Year
2005 IAAO Most Valuable Member
2003 Public Information Program
2003 Donehoo Essay Award
Title | Course Price | Course Duration |
AAS Designation Case Study Review | $100 | 2 1/2 Day |
How to Teach Adult Students | Request | 1/2 Day (New 2015) |
Customer Service | Request | 1/2 Day (New 2020) |
Public Relations & Customer Service | Request | Any length from 1.5 hours to all day (Revised 2018) |
How to be a Better Manager | $75 | 1 1/2 Day (New 2019) |
How to be a Better Manager | $75 | 1 Day |
The Art of Making a Powerful Presentation | Request | 1 Day (2009) |
Reconstructing Income & Expense Statements | $75 | 1 or 2 Day (Revised 2014) |
Residential Quality Rating Guidebook | Request | 1/2 Day or 1 Day (Revised 2019) |
Residential Quality, Condition and Effective Age | Request | 1 or 2 Day (Revised 2014) |
Valuation of Mobile Home Parks | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2014) |
Valuation of Manufactured Homes | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2020) |
Valuation of Residential Land | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2016) |
Low-End Residential Properties | $75 | 1-Day (Revised 2017) |
Valuation of High-End & Difficult Homes | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2017) |
Valuation of Green Commercial Buildings | $75 | 1 Day (New 2016) |
Valuation of Green Residential Buildings | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2019) |
Valuation of Big Box Workshop | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2022) |
Preparation & Presenting a Valuation Appeal | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2016) |
Valuation of Historic Properties | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2020) |
Valuation of Lodging Properties | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2021) |
Valuation of Self Storage Properties | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2021) |
Appraising After a Disaster or in Traumatic Events | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2019) |
Unique & Challenging Homes | $75 | 1 day (Revised 2019) |
Mass Appraisal Analysis & Benchmarks | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2020) |
Development of Capitalization Rates | $75 | 1 Day (New 2015) |
Collection, Interpretation & Model Building of Income and Expense Data | Request | 1 or 2 Day (Revised 2015) |
Contamination & Valuation Issues | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2017) |
Valuation of Barndominiums | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2017) |
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