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Brad Eldridge, MAI, CAE
1028 Rhode Island St.
Lawrence, KS 66044

Brad has over 25 years in commercial real estate appraisal split between single property appraisal and mass appraisal. From 2009-2013, he supervised the Commercial Real Estate Division at the Douglas County Appraiser’s Office and is now the appointed County Appraiser in Lawrence, Kansas. Brad’s credentials include a Certified General Appraiser license in Kansas, the MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute, and the CAE designation from IAAO.
He served on the Education and Professional Development committees at the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO), as well as past leadership positions with the Kansas City Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and the Kansas County Appraisers Association. Brad is a previous chair of IAAO’s Education Committee and has chaired two education-related task forces for IAAO.
Brad is a Senior Instructor for IAAO, with experience teaching throughout the United States. Brad has assisted IAAO and other organizations with several special projects in assessment training and consultations in the areas of developing mass appraisal income models, capitalization rate studies, and finding solutions to resolve challenging valuation issues.
Brad is a partner in the TEAM organization and workshop materials. He enjoys keeping the existing workshop materials up-to-date and developing new workshops that are offered through the TEAM Consulting instructor group.
Title | Course Price | Course Duration |
Valuation of Subsidized Housing | $75 | Half Day (New 2023) |
Up the Creek: Managing Daily Personnel Disasters | $75 | 1 Day (New 2022) |
Square Peg, Round Hole:
Appraising Properties That Do Not Fit in the Model | $75 | 1/2 Day and Full Day (New 2022) |
Valuation of Commercial Properties in a Declining Market | $75 | 2 Days (New 2020, Updated 2021) |
How to Teach Adult Students | Request | 1/2 Day (New 2015) |
Public Relations & Customer Service | Request | Any length from 1.5 hours to all day (Revised 2018) |
How to be a Better Manager | $75 | 1 1/2 Day (New 2019) |
How to be a Better Manager | $75 | 1 Day |
The Art of Making a Powerful Presentation | Request | 1 Day (2009) |
Reconstructing Income & Expense Statements | $75 | 1 or 2 Day (Revised 2014) |
Valuation of Mobile Home Parks | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2014) |
Valuation of Residential Land | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2016) |
Valuation of Green Commercial Buildings | $75 | 1 Day (New 2016) |
Valuation of Green Residential Buildings | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2019) |
Valuation of Fast Food Restaurants | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2022) |
Valuation of Big Box Workshop | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2022) |
Preparation & Presenting a Valuation Appeal | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2016) |
Valuation of Historic Properties | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2020) |
Valuation of Lodging Properties | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2021) |
Valuation of Self Storage Properties | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2021) |
Appraising After a Disaster or in Traumatic Events | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2019) |
Mass Appraisal Analysis & Benchmarks | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2020) |
Development of Capitalization Rates | $75 | 1 Day (New 2015) |
Collection, Interpretation & Model Building of Income and Expense Data | Request | 1 or 2 Day (Revised 2015) |
Contamination & Valuation Issues | $75 | 1 Day (Revised 2017) |
Valuation of Senior Housing | $75 | 1 and 2 Day (Revised 2022) |
Fee Simple & Property Rights Valuation Issues for Commercial Properties | Request | 1 Day (New 2020) |
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