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Self Study Workshops

Frequent questions and classroom discussions inspire us to create new workshops or integrate new content when we update our existing courses. Our goal is to have workshop content that helps assessors kick start the data they need in their work file.

TEAM Consulting also offers many of the workshop materials in a self-study program, for those who wish to do the workshops at their own pace. The entire workshop, including the study program, examination and examination answers, is available in pdf format. You can complete and return your order form with payment by mail, or pay online and the workshop materials will be emailed to you. 

Valuation of Subsidized Housing

Section 42 properties have been active in the development and acquisition marketplace. This property type has several unique features and presents unique valuation issues for appraisers.

This workshop provides an overview of various subsidized housing types, with a primary focus on Section 42 properties. An explanation of how tax credit properties work is provided, as well as a walk-through of how the tax credit development is funded. The material includes valuation methods and resources for data applied in the analysis. Valuation issues regarding real property, tangible personal property, and intangible personal property are addressed.

Currently, the workshop is available in a half-day format and will soon be expanded to a full-day offering.

Half Day (New 2023)

Up the Creek: Managing Daily Personnel Disasters

This one-day workshop takes you through the scenario of being a manager and focuses on one of the hardest parts—personnel issues. The material contains general guidelines for handling employees and takes you through various scenarios to help find solutions happening every day in the assessment office (or any office for that matter). Topics include hiring practices, communication issues, working with difficult personalities, and other related personnel issues.

This is an interactive workshop that encourages and solicits attendee participation and problem-solving. Attendees are encouraged to provide their own situations that they may have dealt with in the past. The one part of management you cannot predict is problematic people and handling them properly is often the most difficult skill to master. Let’s work together to figure out what to do when you feel yourself getting into unchartered territory because no one likes to be up the creek without a paddle.

Learning Effective Communication
Develop Better Listening Skills
Working with Difficult People
Hiring Employees and Recruitment
Employee Development
Motivating Employees
Performance EvaluationsDiscipline and Coaching

Instruction Methods
Lecture with Oral Questions
Class Discussion
Scenario Examination

1 Day (New 2022)

Square Peg, Round Hole:
Appraising Properties That Do Not Fit in the Model

This workshop is designed to assist appraisers in finding solutions to value difficult commercial properties that may not fit in the traditional mass appraisal model. It includes suggestions on resources for obtaining information to support the analysis and provides a roadmap for establishing a reliable market value.

The material includes real-world scenarios, with exercises that provide examples and solutions for valuing unique commercial properties. Three different case studies walk through valuation and cost information on a unique corporate headquarters, a semiconductor chip manufacturing facility, and a destination workplace development.

The workshop discussion includes:

• Guidance from USPAP
• Typical challenges
o Unique properties
o Non-stabilized properties
• Solutions
o Research
o Data analysis
o Three approaches to value
o Value conclusion
• Case Studies

1/2 Day and Full Day (New 2022)

AAS Designation Case Study Review

 The purpose of this workshop is to provide a review of materials and an understanding of the composition of a case study to help prepare for the AAS Case Study Exam. This is a guide emphasizing the most prevalent items to study for but cannot be all inclusive of what may actually be on the exam. Topics discussed are: USPAP, rates and levies, effective tax rates, economic principles, property definitions, ownerships and rights, three approaches to value, attributes in an effective tax system, role of the assessor, ratio studies and tax policy. Within the material will be multiple problems associated with the assessment and valuation processes and the workshop will conclude with a four-hour case study exam followed by a review of the answers.

2 1/2 Day

Valuation of Commercial Properties in a Declining Market

This workshop will concentrate on recognizing the state of the market and changes that have occurred, with an emphasis on data analysis and interpretation. How to properly address these market condition changes in the Cost, Sales Comparison, and Income Approach will be discussed. When real estate markets are making dramatic shifts up or down, it is important to continue monitoring the conditions and appropriately adjust in real time.
The material includes data on the changing economic conditions through 2020 and current trends that are impacting different commercial real estate uses, such as retail, office, industrial, apartments, hotels, mini-storage, mobile home parks and senior housing. The workshop offers suggestions on proper documentation and handling public relations during turbulent times.

2 Days (New 2020, Updated 2021)

How to be a Better Manager

This one and one-half day workshop has the same topics as the one-day version but includes four case study programs for small group interaction and then classroom discussion. The workshop is designed to help participants become a better manager—or if just starting in the manager position, to provide guidelines and suggestions on how to be successful. Topics covered include planning and organizing, budgeting, personnel and communication issues, dealing with difficult people, dealing with legislators, consensus building and stress management. This is an interactive workshop that allows and encourages actual situations from the instructor and the student. Various forms and examples are provided to help the participant develop a procedure manual for the assessment office.

1 1/2 Day (New 2019)

How to be a Better Manager

This one-day workshop is designed to help participants become a better manager—or if just starting in the manager position, to provide guidelines and suggestions on how to be successful. Topics covered include planning and organizing, budgeting, personnel and communication issues, dealing with difficult people, dealing with legislators, consensus building and stress management. This is an interactive workshop that allows and encourages actual situations from the instructor and the student. Various forms and examples are provided to help the participant develop a procedure manual for the assessment office.

1 Day

Reconstructing Income & Expense Statements

The purpose of this workshop is to provide some guidance and suggestions on the process of developing an effective income and expense form, review of the income approach, establishing operating expense ratios as part of the review process and analyzing income and expense statements for allowable and non-allowable expenses. Topics discussed include: USPAP review, income approach definition and formulas, forms and methods for data gathering and additional sources, templates for storing and using data, review of reconstructing income and expense statements and data analysis and interpretation.

1 or 2 Day (Revised 2014)

Valuation of Mobile Home Parks

This one-day workshop is designed to provide historical and current data to assist in the valuation of manufactured home parks. The purpose of the workshop is to provide guidance and suggestions on the process of data analysis and valuation of manufactured home parks or communities. Information from various sources and areas of the United States are used to help establish processes and procedures. Some of the sources include links to the FannieMae database to find properties in your jursidication that have FannieMae loans and some appraisal information associated with the loan. Additional updated expense ratios and forms for collecting property characteristics for valuation purposes. All three approaches to value will be discussed and examples given.

1 Day (Revised 2014)

Valuation of Manufactured Homes

This one-day workshop is designed to provide historical and current data to assist in the evaluation of Manufactured Homes. Topics for this session include history, trends, how to distinguish between manufactured homes, modular homes, panelized homes and pre-cut or kit homes, financing and Internet sources for research and information. All three approaches to value will be discussed and examples given. Considerable time will be spent on developing replacement cost new from the marketplace, comparing to cost manuals and calculating indexes. Depreciation and gross rent multipliers will be extracted from actual market data. Actual sales will be used to compare to cost manual value estimates and the workshop will conclude with two sections on questions and answers from assessors/appraisers and potential owners of manufactured homes.

1 Day (Revised 2020)

Valuation of Residential Land

This one-day workshop will provide some guidance and suggestions on the process of valuing vacant residential land. Information from various areas of the U.S. will be used to help establish some processes and determination of various influence factors. EXCEL spreadsheets will be used to help build a database of sales and use in calculating influence factors. Topics to be covered are: USPAP review, general land information, site analysis, land valuation methods, land influence factors, calculating adjustments, modified cost of development method, supporting documentation and recent land value article.

1 Day (Revised 2016)

Low-End Residential Properties

The purpose of this workshop is to provide assistance in the valuation of low-end and difficult residential properties that often create valuation issues. It is not unusual that these types of properties when sold have a sales ratio considerably higher than 1.00 and a very regressive PRD (Price-Related Differential). Discussion and data will center on lower valued residential properties and income and value associated with rental properties. The workshop will conclude with definitions and value issues on manufactured homes, modular homes and odd and unusual homes.

1-Day (Revised 2017)

Valuation of High-End & Difficult Homes

The purpose of this workshop is to provide some guidance and suggestions on the process of data collection and analysis of high-end and difficult residential properties. Information from various areas of the U.S. will be used to help establish some processes and procedures. Images and property characteristics of sales and listed properties will be used. Topics discussed include: USPAP review, general information, cost approach, sales comparison approach, income approach, non-value analysis and articles of interest.

1 Day (Revised 2017)

Valuation of Green Residential Buildings

The purpose of this workshop is to provide some guidance and suggestions on the process of analysis and valuation of green residential buildings. Information from various areas of the U.S. will be used to help establish some processes and procedures. Images and property characteristics of sold properties will be used.

1 Day (Revised 2019)

Valuation of Fast Food Restaurants

This workshop takes a look at Fast Food properties, also known as Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs), in the restaurant industry. Current trends in QSRs will be reviewed, as well as real-world case studies that address first-generation vs. second-generation users, build-to-suit, credit tenant/long-term lease, and property rights valuation issues. Workshop material addresses USPAP, highest and best use, as well as the cost, sales comparison, and the income approaches.

1 Day (Revised 2022)

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TEAM Consulting, LLC
1364 Route 6
Carmel, NY  10512
(785) 550-0945

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