Valuation of Mobile Home Parks
1 Day (Revised 2014)
Self Study
This one-day workshop is designed to provide historical and current data to assist in the valuation of manufactured home parks. The purpose of the workshop is to provide guidance and suggestions on the process of data analysis and valuation of manufactured home parks or communities. Information from various sources and areas of the United States are used to help establish processes and procedures. Some of the sources include links to the FannieMae database to find properties in your jursidication that have FannieMae loans and some appraisal information associated with the loan. Additional updated expense ratios and forms for collecting property characteristics for valuation purposes. All three approaches to value will be discussed and examples given.
Instructors available for this course are listed below. Contact them for more information about this course.
Instructor | Photo | Email | Phone |
Brad Eldridge, MAI, CAE | eldridge.brad@gmail.com | 785-550-0945 | |
Kara Endicott, CAE, RES, RMA | dendicott@att.net | 913-530-3777 | |
Terry Taylor, CAE, AAS, RES | trtaylor08@yahoo.com | 772-480-8064 | |
Randy Ripperger, CAE
Polk County Assessor | rip@assess.co.polk.ia.us | 515-286-3158 direct
515-286-3386 fax
515-777-8391 cell | |
Scott Johnson, RES, ICA | smaack1001@gmail.com | 641-340-3305 | |
Kevin D. Hayes, MAI, CAE, RES, CFE | kevinhayes3@verizon.net | 813-220-8049 | |
Dan Cypert, RES, AAS | dancypert@gmail.com | 479-957-8227 | |
Lath Harris, CAE, SRA | lath@heybo.com | 803-651-1470 | |
Rick Stuart, CAE, FIAAO
Emeritus | r17stuart@gmail.com rstuart@teamconsulting.cc | 785-259-1379 | |
Amy Rasmussen, RES, AAS, ICA
Executive Director, IAAO | iaaoamy@gmail.com | 515-286-3326 office 515-240-0755 cell |