Valuation of Manufactured Homes
1 Day (Revised 2020)
Self Study
This one-day workshop is designed to provide historical and current data to assist in the evaluation of Manufactured Homes. Topics for this session include history, trends, how to distinguish between manufactured homes, modular homes, panelized homes and pre-cut or kit homes, financing and Internet sources for research and information. All three approaches to value will be discussed and examples given. Considerable time will be spent on developing replacement cost new from the marketplace, comparing to cost manuals and calculating indexes. Depreciation and gross rent multipliers will be extracted from actual market data. Actual sales will be used to compare to cost manual value estimates and the workshop will conclude with two sections on questions and answers from assessors/appraisers and potential owners of manufactured homes.
Instructors available for this course are listed below. Contact them for more information about this course.
Instructor | Photo | Email | Phone |
Tina Stone, PPS, AAS | tgraves4444@gmail.com | (919)799-6371 | |
Kara Endicott, CAE, RES, RMA | dendicott@att.net | 913-530-3777 | |
Terry Taylor, CAE, AAS, RES | trtaylor08@yahoo.com | 772-480-8064 | |
Randy Ripperger, CAE
Polk County Assessor | rip@assess.co.polk.ia.us | 515-286-3158 direct
515-286-3386 fax
515-777-8391 cell | |
Scott Johnson, RES, ICA | smaack1001@gmail.com | 641-340-3305 | |
Kevin D. Hayes, MAI, CAE, RES, CFE | kevinhayes3@verizon.net | 813-220-8049 | |
Dan Cypert, RES, AAS | dancypert@gmail.com | 479-957-8227 | |
Jerald Rudman, Chief Commercial Deputy Assessor | JRudman1@prodigy.net | 630.627.3354 | |
Lath Harris, CAE, SRA | lath@heybo.com | 803-651-1470 | |
Trevor Abernathie, RES, CSDA, CAA | trevorabernathie@hotmail.com | 605-484-3914 | |
Rick Stuart, CAE, FIAAO
Emeritus | r17stuart@gmail.com rstuart@teamconsulting.cc | 785-259-1379 | |
Amy Rasmussen, RES, AAS, ICA
Executive Director, IAAO | iaaoamy@gmail.com | 515-286-3326 office 515-240-0755 cell |