IAAO processes for obtaining the AAS designation
The students may take the AAS case study examination with any IAAO designee or IAAO instructor. If you do not have a designee or instructor in their area - IAAO may consider a request for taking the examination at a college or university testing facility.
"If" you are seeking a person with a designation - you may access that information through the IAAO website. On the homepage in the middle of the page under the section titled “Member Links” there is a link for "Member Directory". You will need to log in and then you will go to a page where you can insert a designation type and state to find a designee in your area.
Applications for the examination may be found at
IAAO requests that they receive both applications about 3 weeks in advance of the examination date.
A candidate may take the case study examination anytime during their candidacy but cannot take the master exam until all educational and experience requirements are met.
Below is a portion of an FAQ article - which appeared in the August 2012 issue of Fair & Equitable - advising of members about upcoming educational and designation requirement changes.
Question: I have heard the requirements for the CAE and RES designations will be changing in the future. When will these changes occur and what are the changes?
Answer: Members applying for candidacy on or after January 1, 2014, must, prior to receiving the CAE designation, hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university
Members applying for candidacy on or after January 1, 2014, must, prior to receiving the RES designation, hold an Associate’s degree or higher from an accredited college, junior college, community college, or university
If you have questions, please contact Rick Stuart at r17stuart@gmail.com ,785.259.1379 or IAAO at:
Designation Program Manager
International Association of Assessing Officers
314 West 10th Street
Kansas City, MO 64105
Phone: 816-701-8137
FAX: 816-701-8169